Computer Science Engineering

We mould the tomorrow's innovators by teaching the concrete concepts and elevating them in research in multiple fields, lead multi-disciplinary initiatives that demonstrate the transformative power of computer science and computer engineering, and are widely recognized for our success in promoting diversity. The Department has got highly qualified and Industry - Academia experienced (more than two decades) faculty members in every specialization. The department has all the facilities to carry out related teaching and research work.

The departmental research is focused in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Neuro Computing, Parallel Processing, Software Engineering, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Data mining and Web mining, Biometrics, semantic web, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning and Information Extraction.


Computer Programming & Data Structures

Computer Programming Lab - I

Computer Programming Lab - II

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science - I

Data Structures through C++

Data Structures Using C++ Lab

Computer Organization

Software Engineering

Object Oriented Programming

Database Management Systems

Formal Languages & Automata Theory

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Object Oriented Programming Systems Lab

Operating Systems

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science - II

Software Testing Methodology

Data Communication & Computer Networks

Computer Networks & Operating Systems Lab

Distributed Systems

Principles of Programming Languages

Complier Design

Information Security

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Web Technology

Case Tool & Web Technologies Lab